The Conjuring, released in 2013, is an American supernatural horror film that launched the popular Conjuring Universe franchise. Directed by James Wan and written by Chad Hayes and Carey W. Hayes, the film stars Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga as Ed and Lorraine Warren, a couple of paranormal investigators and authors known for their involvement in high-profile cases of haunting, including the infamous Amityville Horror. The movie follows the Warrens as they assist the Perron family, who are experiencing terrifying events in their Rhode Island farmhouse in 1971.
Development of the film began in January 2012, with Wan confirmed as the director of a movie then known as The Warren Files, later retitled as The Conjuring, which was based on the real-life exploits of Ed and Lorraine Warren. Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga, who had previously collaborated with Wan in the movie Insidious, were cast as the lead characters. Filming started in Wilmington, North Carolina, in February 2012, with scenes shot in chronological order.
Upon its release in the United States and Canada on July 19, 2013, The Conjuring received critical acclaim for its performances, direction, screenplay, atmosphere, and musical score. The movie grossed over $319 million worldwide, far exceeding its $20 million budget. A sequel, The Conjuring 2, was released in 2016, and a third film, The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It, hit theaters on September 11, 2020.
The Conjuring Plot:
The Conjuring is a supernatural horror film that follows the Perron
family as they move into a farmhouse in Rhode Island in 1971, only to
experience increasingly disturbing paranormal events. Ed and Lorraine
Warren, renowned paranormal investigators, are called to assist the
family and uncover that the house was once owned by a witch named
Bathsheba Sherman who cursed the property. The Warrens collect evidence
and seek authorization from the Catholic Church for an exorcism, but
Bathsheba possesses Carolyn, the mother, leading to a dangerous
confrontation. Ed performs the exorcism and saves Carolyn and her
daughter, lifting Bathsheba's curse forever. The film ends with the
Warrens gaining approval for the exorcism and preparing to investigate
another case.
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