Betaal is a thrilling Indian horror web series that takes place in a remote village serving as a battleground between the British Indian Army officer Betaal, his battalion of zombie redcoats, and the Indian police. The show is written and directed by Patrick Graham, with co-direction by Nikhil Mahajan, and produced by Red Chillies Entertainment. Aahana Kumra and Vineet Kumar Singh play significant roles in the series.
The series is set to be released on Netflix, marking the third collaboration between Red Chillies Entertainment and Netflix. It promises to be an engaging watch with its intriguing storyline, spine-chilling atmosphere, and impressive cast.
Filming for the series was completed in August 2019, and post-production work took place over the following months. The show is expected to be a major hit among horror enthusiasts and fans of Indian web series alike, and it is set to become one of the most popular shows on Netflix. The release date of the series has been announced by Netflix, and fans are eagerly waiting for its release.
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